Karyon Kuma
The immortal phrase that summarizes the tactics of the current
architects to control that feeds the totalitarian power and franchises recently
heard the voice of anonymous opponents thrown to the streets in Venezuela and
is this: talk like Marx, Stalin and rule as live as Rockefeller.
Strategies such as that used by the architects of control,
including champions dictators are submitting our country, consist of something
not difficult to perceive, but which nevertheless, people fall and is carried
away. As gifted architects take control out where to absorb some value, do a
field study programs and run maneuvers, water accompanied a fundamental Marxist
varied marketing promises, and thus enslaving and robbing each other gifts to
offer groups more socially weaker than wet his lips with honey of a promising
future; people hope, subjects lowered their guard.Trust.
As social individuals have a limited ability to alert, I would say
low, I would say no; we need a constant evasion, succumb to the need to
disconnect becomes vital for survival because an adult has to cover many
pitfalls of reality, has to deal with the notion of distributing, care and
mastery of reality into multiple pieces, serve and defend many fronts in the
personal order starting from the first physical and emotional needs translated
so far from the smallest to the largest, ie, as a subject of walk _the most
this planet_ employs hours the busy day to ensure the bread has to take the
family, family you have to wear, fit, educate, shelter, provide security, or in
planes farther away to cover the scale of second need as they are driving,
distracted, highlight in a trade, even to answer the existential abstractions
such as _sometimes sophisticated_ understand life and death, and it is clear to
assimilate all this is complex, very complex, which consumes a few more than
you think neurons.
Knowing all the internal scaffolding of mind of subjects, starting
from their fears, to their responsibilities and reaching up her dreams,
architects control are released to attack the jugular of mass and at ease strolling
manipulating its destination. Such is the case of the Cuban Trojan horse that
entered Venezuelan territory. Professionals from various branches of Cuba have
been trickling in Venezuela introduced in Venezuelan society sent with alleged
purpose of solidarity, brotherhood and development, but has actually been an
invasion of white-collar and various camouflages, and the Trojan horse has
definitely opened the hatch before the astonished eyes of half the world in
part silent and looks away from impotence or because _Venezuela 's oil in the
country is cheaper, they say, than water_ , many people want to stick your hand
(claw), and the oil giant neck to voice calls today the cessation of
intervention in their affairs .
Three general aviation Venezuela were arrested in recent days;
allegedly planned to give Madurato coup, and this is apparently the only way
out of the crisis, the army will put the people's side. Is pacifism a dead end?
We digress: Incredibly, in the cycle of oppression present it appears that, in
the absence of external support, are the hosts own country first and last hope
to end tyranny, as is to be peaceful apparently a sweet monster that feeds the
control rather than destroy it.
Can not a village just released for good now _and I would say otherwise_ , as it happens that was
entered docility through the law, and that law it means that the people or the
subject can´t face a criminal been much less assaulting a state criminal who
does have tools to do so, because seen from the side at a disadvantage (the
oppressed people or subject) is accepted and recognized that the criminal law
is imposed and a similar clearance, is then the people who oppose his law which
happens to be considered criminal, which we are caught between our morality on
the one hand and the abuse of power by the other, which means we must let us
crush to avoid falling into immoral, inhumane and uncivil act to neutralize the
criminal state which is annoying but in all such cases, and by extension benefit
the body directly representing, say, any tyranny with a violent system that
since the government makes use of its arbitrary vertical force, and apparently
seen, observed that especially in the current West is back hands politically
correct; a curtain separates the glamour of the repressive forces and the wild
west regarded as the "mob" maverick, which is not allowed to rebel
against the allegedly responsible guard order?
To the millions who form a community that just blow _ literally blow_ take middle to arbitrary authority, he states
that they should be peaceful and respect authority, must resort to dialogue and
peaceful demands, are supposed to be left running over and put his hand on the
love that crushes not to be punished! _and by God!_ watched and cataloged evil
or violent anarchists.
The following question arises: Dynamiting from within, penetrating
as a bacterium or a Trojan horse is and will be the key implementation in a
laboratory cold power that continues to expand regionally and globally? So it
will spread subjugation and control all corners where it is presumed to have
laws and rights today and hereafter? Because the great powers copied and make
hybrids new tactics disguised as is the case we describe, and create new forms
of life of an organism that mutates constantly without changing its essence and
as a bacterium regenerates and masks in a thousand ways, similar what science
calls Cambrian explosion that occurred at the beginning of life and that
included the formation of new alliances of other lives .
Will the near future a mosaic of slaves, hedonistic and tyrants?
Choose the shortest path to wellness stepping over each other through
indifference, disunity in a relativistic age like we live can we blow up in your
hands and when we realize we took a pair of ankle shackles. The man stop being
aggressive because it assumes that no longer has a wild and educated in
elementary ethics, delivering his defense to state institutions, must comply
relating to alleged humanists and by laws created by thought illustrated and
progressive for centuries, but at the mercy of arbitrariness, go shutting down
gracefully shutting rushed but even in such unexpected places as Europe itself,
and see you, we are in no man's land.
The subject is caught in relativity enact laws that one thing and
do another, ensure safeguarding certain rights and run just the opposite.
Dangerously human rights are ceasing to be such and give way to every man for
himself; rights that work are those of catch, the bag, the metal interests, oil
and all entities that have a weight value that allow master, have power.
Exceeds the sense of chaos and audacity armies cases in certain
places rather than engage in defending the security of a territory are part of
international mafias and veer its powerful weapons against the will of the
people and determine who lives and who dies, they are the guardians of
monopolies, it is they who compete for example with street drug dealers and
take central control of the drug, a drug that is required to manipulate and
destroy the ability of individual freedom and autonomy especially in his youth,
when it has great vitality, yet can be deformed and molded without great effort
appealing to the emotion that dominates the psyche of an individual at an early
Continuing lulled by means of "communication " massive,
laws that hold us and inoculated addictions, fashions, soap opera, and transient
objects and entities _ pots of all kinds that encourage exaggerate consumerism,
unbridled need and built on a artificial_ reality will all induced will,
immersed in this danger and ravages most, thinking?
And back to the beginning. Local chiefs
of nations like Cuba and now Venezuela as architects of control and his accomplices
adapt its strategy and more sophisticated to the point of making it logical
rule. They colonize in a postmodern with or without brand. A Cuban history has
shown us that strength and third wills are in complicity with the dictatorship
that we have suffered, to the great mass it adds increasing useful fools who
believe in progressive left, some innocent, some not; dominates much above the
arm vertically for convenience, because they are paid, to obtain and maintain a
moniker, a little place on a party or department, office, institution, in
short: Power. And they will stop defending tyrants worse than the ambitious
capitalists confessed against those who say they are fighting and they are _no
I hide to put it upper case_, the first giving rise to injustice, slavery,
dissatisfaction, the brutal arbitrariness and inequality. These leftists
believed contemporaries are driven by the fallacy of an outdated Marxism and
strategy talk as Marxists, and it turns out their positions harm, much harm to
the truth, they are not able to distance themselves from the poles and defend
autonomy without benefit the old structure still calls himself a revolutionary
and arm murderer of democracy, a wolf in sheep's clothing.
In this painful situation that has fallen Venezuela, a situation in
which he fell despite warnings they received not believe the lies and promises
that sold Chavez and _ nearby courtyard_ thereof Cubans who steered away
from the monster, despite seeing the story, to see what became Castrism the
people of Cuba, disregarded, and are caught in a web that destroys the rule of
law and pushes misery, find attached the opposition and be victims of the
bloody episodes fatally everyone has had the opportunity to witness as death in
the street youth who shield themselves with books and backpacks against
What really is this lethal combination that makes that despite all
the efforts and lives given no pledge nor survive any cause to end
totalitarianism and away from that spread to other areas? Do you have back to a
model that controls the market in one place, subjecting poverty to another?
These and other models of twisted tactic where economic control and traumatic
sick minds of ego and personal power _which are_, continue to proliferate. It
is taking place a third world war global power struggle for cold, ie it is not
clear, we are not able to determine and put into perspective and assign
coordinates. There are many more questions _much more complex security_, no doubt need to be answered to
understand why such delusions _ bitterness and delusions of the old Spanish settlers machinery and terrified of a possible annexation of the island of Cuba to the United
States_ our country has not been supported in its current demand release; yes
supported on all fronts, as it is clear that one people can´t in the current
era of sophisticated weapons and sold parliaments shake off the tyrant with a
little flower in hand, or with little walks given by the village two or three
identified _no put my hands into the fire for anyone_ as dissidents.
A fight against lion monkey is fighting peacefully day. Against
who? Against the interests of entrepreneurs that keep businesses in those
regions that benefit the very governments and wolves that up? A core, a bunch
of those people and business monopolies and banks stabilize or destabilize the
regions according to their interests and will not balance anything, they won´t share anything with any people, if Europe had
not relocated and workshops and factories to take them to distant slaves villages
_China, India ie_, its citizens have
regular jobs and were basically balanced, no, that's nothing, that's not the
goal, the goal is to have everyone in an unstable motion, changing room and
wearing wills, anguished, tormented; but the fish biting its tail and their own
inventions emerging powers to colonize extreme slave us all. What reason
doesn´t help me! What today seems paranoid, tomorrow will be considered an
aberration because by then the monumental outrage will be assimilated as