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Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Tomo un espacio de este blog para continuar conformando el arbol genealógico  familiar materno ya que luego de catorce años de búsqueda sobre nuestras raíces, nunca obtuvimos resultados favorables que enriquecieran la información acerca de nuestros ancestros. 
Desistimos pues de continuar solicitando datos a terceros luego de enviar múltiples cartas a las parroquias de Oviedo o a los registros civiles de Asturias y Madrid, e incluso haciendo llamadas telefónicas directas a sacerdotes locales. La respuesta en todos los casos fue la misma: las parroquias fueron presa de incendios y se destruyeron los archivos. 
Como resultado un silencio rotundo sepulta nuestra historia familiar, sin embargo hemos logrado aunar nombres, parentezcos y descendencia que pone en perspectiva nuestras raíces.
Poseemos una misiva fechada en 1896 y el valioso dato de nuestro bisabuelo nacido en Oviedo quien se ordenó sacerdote por obedecer una imposición familiar, pero que, una vez concluidos sus estudios, renunció y cursó la carrera de Ingeniería Civil y trabajó como tal en la isla de Cuba donde vivió y fundó una extensa familia de la cual soy descendiente. Su nombre es Vicente Díaz de la Fuente.
Más adelante serán añadidos nuevos datos pues es un enorme gusto dar un lugar y un valor a las familias que el exilio no sólo separó sino que borró todas las huella de sus nexos.

Karyon Kuma



Thursday, May 26, 2016


Forgive me more

I just hold on my fingers a bunch of renunciation
Two or three attempts of loving and a few memories of searching
I got no more offering
I got no more defense
Non another pray

You have broken down my hip and I am wounded
Forgive me yesterday
Forgive me now
Tomorrow and soon

I know I ask you so much and rush
Forgive me more.


The mirror is chasing me

I had a chair and a splash of water
maybe feed myself knowing them

But the mirror is chasing me, makes for me

He says hello, uncover me, pushes me down, and crashes me over

No Sun is equal to another and I forgot my cell and left the bubble

Oh my watch
Oh my watch

I went out…, or, that was I believed about
I thought I was out of the creek, out of the town, out of the village

But the mirror is even chasing me

I am now playing to be a feather into this mirror
Staying caught into his sand’s story 
At last my watch

At last my watch


 Go out to count your coins

Anyone  doesn’t make me desist, or drooling over

I know that scrambled atoms are swarming in my hair

and that gravity is a bad joke

as that day, that hour, that place
or any name
such as the exile from words which is the worst of all
in lowercase and in uppercase

As you and your coins, caress your bag
you both go away to love the vacuum, make the love to vacuum
take all the time in the world to deceive you 


Leads the centuries building bridges with the face between the fingers
thanking them for having at least one wide frontal bone
where lead hands when they boats to capsize them!
He believed that sometimes is bridge the water
and the water is wound that doesn't heal ever
He saw lights strewn sky and was launched as a nightly scratch adrift
'cause someone said that the night is asleep bridge
but the sky is a castaway abandoned half way

On swim, on rowboat!
 He is thrown against a hollow mirror and sees how rotating the Astros over

No ceiling already, nor raid, no inheritance...
only sea
far away from other hands
the hands of rescue and the hands of burial
as owner without dog, dog without grave, unmarked grave

Away was all hands and thus capsized
with an axe in the throat sharpened by forms of the cry and the etymology of the bye
with the missing bridges
 and the only company of the heartbeat.